Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Europhile Pillows - For the Worldly Traveler

These Europhile travel pillows are awesome as the old world images are from 1910 - 1950's. Wouldn't the George or Paris look fabulous in a big chair? Or Casablanca or the modern looking Venice pillow

This is a new pillow line launched by J. Covington Home and 22 more can be seen here. Also some great points are....

Made in the USA
Cotton is 100% grown in the USA
Environmentally friendly/green ink was was used for the images.


  1. my favorite is the paris one. I want one!!

  2. You have some fabulous eye candy here! Thank you for stopping by to say hello.


  3. What fun. Thanks for your comment. I went with the dark stain, a blend and it looks great.
    Happy weekend to you!
